
Wholesale Ladies' Plus Size Silky Feel Ultra Soft Halter Dresses. Features elastic waist for a comfort fit. Comes in the most popular colors and Ultra soft great to sell in Spring, Summer and Fall. Assorted colors.
Size ratio breakdown:

*12 Units:   4(2XL), 4(3XL), 4(4XL) x $5.85 PER UNIT = $70.20

*48 Units: 12(2XL), 18(3XL), 18(4XL) x $4.25 PER UNIT = $265.44

*96 Units: 24(2XL), 36(3XL), 36(4XL) x $5.20 PER UNIT =$499.20

*Assorted colors. Any purchase options will include all colors.
Suggest Retail Price: $16.99